Sailor’s Warning
With a reddish background and rolling waves, I named this piece for a saying my grandfather taught me long ago, “Red sky in the morning, sailor’s warning. Red sky at night, sailor’s delight.”
In Sailor’s Warning, I see disaster. But I also see life and happiness, passion and delight. I see a hard storm coming and calm water, hurricanes and fishermen, boarded up windows and surfers bobbing like seals, paddling hard to catch a rising wave. I see walls of water, taller than buildings, broken glass, twisted steel. I see gentle rivulets of foamy surf, curling around a child’s toes, leaving sea shells and pebbles behind as they pull back into the sea.
Sailor’s Warning was installed at the East Boston Harbor, 2014-2015 and has appeared in ArchDaily, Fast Company Exist, Design Boom and PSFK. Steel and lacquer.
Dimensions: 3’ x4' x6”
Please inquire for price.